We are a church without walls, we always hunger for a move of God’s Spirit and our everyday pursuit is for the move of God in our lives, our families, workplaces, local community, the United Kingdom and nations of the world.
In our servant leadership, worship services, love in action projects and approach, we seek to encounter God and make him known through Christ in Us. We believe in signs and wonders; we believe in revival and in the present-day ministry of the Holy Spirit. We are a church that is seeking God, that the world may benefit from our walk with God. Our services are designed to help you encounter the presence of God in worship and to grow in your relationship with God through the undiluted teaching of His word.
We love the borough of Newcastle-under-Lyme and Staffordshire. Our heart is to be a blessing to the city, the region, and the pastors which serve the local churches in the area. We have a heart to love on the people, it’s leaders, and the local churches. We pray for other churches in the city to succeed. When you get to know RCCG NOLCC family, you will find that we are a loving and relational people. We believe in loving relationships, covenant relationships, and real kingdom life amongst believers.
We have connect groups and teams, where people are able to express themselves, have someone listen to them, and also give and receive ministry. We simply want to have a tightly knit community in the local church, where people are loved on and known. We are excited in what God is doing in this house. Whether you're just checking out church for the first time, or you’ve been a follower of Jesus for a long time, we’re glad you found us, come with us and we will do you good!
NOLCC is God-Centred, Purpose-Driven and People-Empowering!

A Word from Pastor Dominic
You have a unique destiny in God. It is our desire that you will press into Him with all your heart and begin to live a purpose-driven life.
On behalf of the master of the Universe and the great shepherd our lord Jesus Christ, we welcome you to Newness of Life Christian Centre, a parish of The Redeemed Christian Church Of God (RCCG worldwide).
Our parish’s mission is to empower saints to walk in the Newness of Life and to serve in the Newness of the Spirit.
Primarily, as an undershepherd (The Lord Jesus being the Chief Shepherd) I am committed to the ministry of prayer and the Word (Jer 3:15, Acts 6:4, 1 Peter 5:2).
In addition, the welfare of the brethren is of great importance and I am privileged to provide pastoral care ensuring this.
Most importantly, walking with and trusting the Holy Spirit to glorify God the Father, reveal the Lord Jesus for the ceaseless flow of God's Love, Grace, Goodness & Mercy in the Church and the lives of God’s people.
We are a church without walls. Everyone is welcome to fellowship with Christ at Newness of Life Christian Centre.
We are a church without walls. Everyone is welcome to fellowship with Christ at Newness of Life Christian Centre.
Pastor Dominic ShorunI am privileged of God to serve as parish Pastor in NOLCC.
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